Combat the driver shortage

Combat the driver shortage

How fleet tracking software can help recruit and retain good drivers

4 ways technology can help boost driver retention

The driver shortage is real, and trucking companies are looking for ways to keep their drivers and recruit more. Here’s how fleet tracking technology help:

Encourage safer driving with better coaching


Encourage safer driving with better coaching

Building a culture of safety in your fleet is easier with data. When you track behaviors like speeding and compare driver scorecards, you can better coach your drivers. Plus, safety features like roadside assistance and dash cams are helpful tools for drivers.

Read more about fleet safety

Make compliance easy for drivers


Make compliance easy for drivers

Rapidly changing compliance requirements can be confusing for you and your drivers. You can streamline it all with one mobile app to manage ELD rules and other regulations. Cut down on paperwork, simplify reporting and provide drivers with 24/7 support.

Learn more about compliance

Monitor expenses for better driver management

Lowering costs

Monitor expenses for better driver management

Unnecessary expenses like wasted fuel can add up to big costs for your business. Monitoring things like driver idling and speeding can help reduce expenses, giving you savings to reinvest in your business and your drivers.

See how fleet tracking can improve business